Description | This object defines the Marking threshold
applied to the Frame Relay - ATM interworking
virtual circuit input queue, on the Frame Relay
The input queue is in the direction of
Frame Relay/FUNI interface to the ATM switch fabric.
If the fill level of the input queue for the
Frame Relay - ATM interworking virtual circuit
exceeds this threshold, the following will
1. For frames coming into the Frame Relay -
ATM interworking virtual circuit from the Frame
Relay side, the corresponding cells will have
the Explicit Forward Congestion Indication (EFCI)
bit set in the ATM cell header, on entry into the
ATM switch fabric.
2. For cells arriving from the ATM switch fabric
side for this Frame Relay - ATM interworking
virtual circuit, the corresponding frames will have the
Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN)
bit set upon exiting the Frame Relay interface.
The threshold value is expressed as a
percent-of-full. Setting this object to 100
effectively turns off the threshold. |