Description | Determines if the packets matching the ACE should be trusted
or if a specific DSCP should be assigned to it.
If trustCos(2) is specified, the final DSCP value should refer
to caqCosToDscpDscp object in caqCosToDscpTable to transfer
layer 2 CoS value to DSCP value.
If trustIpPrec(3) is specified, the final DSCP value should
refer to caqIpPrecToDscpDscp object in caqIpPrecToDscpTable
to transfer IP Precedence value to DSCP value.
If trustDscp(4) is specified, the final DSCP value is the one
which packets carry.
If noTrust(1) is specified, the final DSCP value will have the
value of caqQosActionSelectDscp object. That is, if an instance
of this object is noTrust(1), the caqQosActionSelectStatus
object can not become 'active(1)' until a value has been
assigned to the corresponding instance of
caqQosActionSelectDscp. |