MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 9 (cisco). 9 (ciscoMgmt). 179 (ciscoCatOSAclQosMIB). 1 (ciscoCatOSAclQosMIBObjects). 3 (caqAclObjects). 9 (caqSecurityActionTable). 1 (caqSecurityActionEntry). 2 (caqSecurityAction)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cisco. ciscoMgmt. ciscoCatOSAclQosMIB. ciscoCatOSAclQosMIBObjects. caqAclObjects. caqSecurityActionTable. caqSecurityActionEntry. caqSecurityAction
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DescriptionDetermines the action that the device will take if the traffic matches the ACE. If permit(1) is specified, the matched traffic will be allowed through the device. If deny(2) is specified, the matched traffic will be blocked and dropped. If redirect(3) is specified, the matched traffic will be redirected to physical port(s) which should be configured in the caqSecurityRedirectPortList object. Redirect means taking packet coming in and putting it out of port(s) as is. If redirectWithAdj(4) is specified, the matched traffic will be redirected to the VLAN configured in the adjacency entry denoted by caqSecurityAdjIndex. If denyWithLog(5) is specified, the matched traffic will be blocked, dropped and logged. If denyArpInspection(6) is specified, the matched ARP traffic will be blocked and dropped. If denyArpInspWithLog(7) is specified, the matched ARP traffic will be blocked, dropped and logged. If permitArpInspection(8) is specified, the matched ARP traffic will be allowed through the device. if include(9) is specified, the matched trafic will be regulated according to the downloaded ACE type denoted by caqSecurityDownloadedAceFeature object.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-permit, 2-deny, 3-redirect, 4-redirectWithAdj, 5-denyWithLog, 6-denyArpInspection, 7-denyArpInspWithLog, 8-permitArpInspection, 9-include)