MIB Discovery
1932 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 9 (cisco). 9 (ciscoMgmt). 290 (ciscoVirtualNwIfMIB). 1 (ciscoVirtualNwIfObjects). 1 (virtualNwIfConfig). 1 (virtualNwIfTable). 1 (virtualNwIfEntry). 1 (virtualNwIfType)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cisco. ciscoMgmt. ciscoVirtualNwIfMIB. ciscoVirtualNwIfObjects. virtualNwIfConfig. virtualNwIfTable. virtualNwIfEntry. virtualNwIfType
Pas d'enfants disponibles pour cet OID
DescriptionIf the virtualNwIfType is vsan(1) and if the corresponding virtual interface is enabled ( ifAdminStatus='up' ), then the operational state of virtual interface will become active ( ifOperStatus='up' ) only if the VSAN state is active and a FCID is obtained through a successful FLOGI. Even if the desired state of the virtual interface is enabled ( ifAdminStatus='up' ), but if the VSAN state is non-active or FCID has not been obtained, then the virtual interface is disabled(ifOperStatus='down'). Only when the VSAN state becomes active and an FCID is obtained will the virtual interface be enabled ( ifOperStatus='up' ). An interface can be disabled while its VSAN exists by setting ifAdminStatus='down'. When an VSAN is deleted, the corresponding interface ( if created ) is also deleted. If the virtualNwIfType is vlan(2) and if the corresponding virtual interface is enabled ( ifAdminStatus='up' ) , then the virtual interface will become active ( ifOperStatus='up' ) only if the VLAN state is active. Even if the desired state of the virtual interface is enabled(ifAdminStatus='up'), but if the VLAN state is non-active, then the virtual interface is disabled ( ifOperStatus='down' ) . Only when the VLAN state becomes active will the virtual interface be enabled ( ifOperStatus='up' ). An interface can be disabled while its VLAN exists by setting ifAdminStatus='down'. When an VLAN is deleted, the corresponding interface ( if created ) is also deleted.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-vsan, 2-vlan)