MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 9 (cisco). 9 (ciscoMgmt). 294 (ciscoZsMIB). 1 (ciscoZoningMIBObjects). 1 (zoneConfiguration). 40 (zoneCompactTable)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cisco. ciscoMgmt. ciscoZsMIB. ciscoZoningMIBObjects. zoneConfiguration. zoneCompactTable
DescriptionThe zoneSetZoneList object and the zoneSetZoneListTable allow upto 8192 zones to be associated with a zoneset. This is done with the help of 4 bitmaps each of which represent 2048 zones. There may exist a situation where the 'lowest' bitmap may not be fully populated but 'higher' bitmaps may have bits set in them. Semantically what this means is: the lowest 2048 zones have not been fully associated, but zones with higher ids have been associated. This kind of a situation causes problems for management stations which are only aware of older versions of this MIB. They are only aware of zoneSetZoneList object and hence only the 'lowest' 2048 zones that are associated with a zoneset. In the above situation, the total number of zones associated with the zoneset could be less than 2048. But by virtue of being distributed in the 'higher' bitmaps, those zones will not be seen by those management stations as they are not aware of the new objects in zoneSetZoneListTable. In such a situation, a management station which is aware of this version of the MIB, can choose to compact the zones associated with zonesets on a VSAN, so that the holes in the lowest 2048 zones are filled. Note that this table facilitates compaction of only the first 2048 zones and not zones belonging to 'higher' bitmaps.