Description | A table of SCCP GTT Prefix Conversion Table entries.
This table replaces the cgsccpGttPrefTable tables and
allow prefix conversion to be specified per instance.
When a packet with GTA is received, it may need
global title translation depending on Translation
Type (TT), Numbering Plan (NP), Network Address
Indicator (NAI) and Global Title Indicator (GTI)
present in the packet. To perform the translation
a selector (cgsccpGttSelTable) corresponding to
TT, NP, NAI and GTI is used. The selector also
specifies prefix conversion of the GTA before (pre)
performing the global title translation or after
(post) performing the global title translation.
A selector can specify any or both (pre and post)
prefix conversion tables.
The prefix conversion involves matching of GTA digits
in the cgsccpGttPref2InAddr and then replacing those
digits with the digits in cgsccpGttPref2OutAddr. |