Description | A set of attributes of a enforce rule on the CMTS.
One entry exists for each QoS enforce rule. It is
indexed by ccqmCmtsEnfRuleName as each enforce rule
is associated with a unique name. The user can define
the legacy/basic monitoring as:
Suppose, the duration is 2 hours and the average rate
is 2kbits/sec, so the following object would be need
to set:
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonType = 1 (Basic)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration = 120 (minutes)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleAvgRate = 2 (kbits/sec)
Consider the example of setting the following peak-offpeak
First peak time:
Morning 6:00am to 9:00am.
Average rate is 2kbits/sec.
Second peak time:
Evening 6:00pm to 10:00pm.
Average rate is 3kbits/sec.
Offpeak time:
The remaining time i.e., 12:00 midnight to 6:00am
and from 9:00am to 6:00pm and 10:00pm to 12:00
midnight would constitute the offpeak time.
Let us assume the monitoring-duration is 2 hours
and the average rate is 1kbits/sec.
And so the relevant objects would look like:
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonType = 2 (peakOffPeak)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleFirstPeakTime = 6 (0600 hours)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleFirstDuration = 180 min (3 hours)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleFirstAvgRate = 2 (kbits/sec)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSecondPeakTime = 18 (1800 hours)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSecondDuration = 240 min (4 hours)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSecondAvgRate = 3 (kbits/sec)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleOffPeakDuration = 160 min (2 hours)
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleOffPeakAvgRate = 1 (kbits/sec). |