OID | |
Nom | ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession |
Acces | readwrite |
Status | current |
Description | This object specifies the number of service flow data that would be collected at a Cable linecard in one session. ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession together with ccmtrCollectionDataTimer aims to control as well as throttle the rate of export of the service flow data from the Cable linecard to the Route Processor. This means that a Cable linecard would collect ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession number of service flow data and then pause for ccmtrCollectionDataTimer before resuming collection. The cable linecard to route processor throttling in turn affects the time to export all of the service flow data from the CMTS to a collection server. Time to export (minutes) = (total flows in system * ccmtrCollectionDataTimer) / (ccmtrCollectionDataPerSession * 1000 * 60) This object cannot be modified during data export from the CMTS to a collection server. |
Syntaxe | Unsigned32 (3...30) |