Description | A list of all the TPC targets that are configured
on this module and on this VSAN. There can be more
than one TPC target in the same VSAN on a module.
The number of TPC targets is implementation specific.
Each TPC target has a unique node world-wide-name,
identified by ctpcTargetNodeName and a unique port
world-wide-name, identified by ctpcTargetPortName.
Each TPC target exposes a single LUN (LUN 0) that is
XCOPY capable and is only concerned with moving data
in its own VSAN.
Once an entry is created in ctpcVsanTable, one or
more entries are created in this table by agent.
Similarly the entries in this table are deleted
when the entry with the same ctpcModuleId and
vsanIndex is deleted from the ctpcVsanTable. |