MIB Discovery
1930 modules enregistrés
MIX : 1 (iso). 3 (org). 6 (dod). 1 (internet). 4 (private). 1 (enterprises). 9 (cisco). 9 (ciscoMgmt). 613 (ciscoEvcMIB). 1 (ciscoEvcMIBObjects). 4 (cevcServiceInstance). 6 (cevcSIMatchCriteriaTable). 1 (cevcSIMatchCriteriaEntry). 4 (cevcSIMatchCriteriaType)
TXT : iso. org. dod. internet. private. enterprises. cisco. ciscoMgmt. ciscoEvcMIB. ciscoEvcMIBObjects. cevcServiceInstance. cevcSIMatchCriteriaTable. cevcSIMatchCriteriaEntry. cevcSIMatchCriteriaType
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Description This object specifies the criteria used to match a service instance. 'unknown' Match criteria for the service instance is not defined or unknown. 'dot1q' The IEEE 802.1q encapsulation is used as a match criteria for the service instance. The ether type value of the IEEE 802.1q tag is specified by the object cevcSIEncapEncapsulation with the same index value of cevcSIIndex and cevcSIMatchCreriaIndex. 'dot1ad' The IEEE 802.1ad encapsulation is used as a match criteria for the service instance. The ether type value of the IEEE 802.1ad tag is specified by the cevcSIEncapEncapsulation column with the same index value of cevcSIIndex and cevcSIMatchCreriaIndex. 'untagged' Service instance processes untagged service frames. Only one service instance on the interface/media type can use untagged frames as a match criteria. 'untaggedAndDot1q' Both untagged frames and the IEEE 802.1q encapsulation are used as a match criteria for the service instance. Only one service instance on the interface/media type can use untagged frames as a match criteria. The ether type value of the IEEE 802.1q tag is specified by the cevcSIEncapEncapsulation column with the same index value of cevcSIIndex and cevcSIMatchCreriaIndex. 'untaggedAndDot1ad' Both untagged frames and the IEEE 802.1ad encapsulation are used as a match criteria for the service instance. Only one service instance on the interface/media type can use untagged frames as a match criteria. The ether type value of the IEEE 802.1ad tag is specified by the cevcSIEncapEncapsulation column with the same index value of cevcSIIndex and cevcSIMatchCreriaIndex. 'priorityTagged' Service instance processes priority tagged frames. Only one service instance on the interface/media type can use priority tagged frames as a match criteria. 'defaultTagged' Service instance is a default service instance. The default service instance processes frames with VLANs that do not match to any other service instances configured on the interface/media type. Only one service instance on the interface/media type can be the default service instance.
SyntaxeEnumeration (1-unknown, 2-dot1q, 3-dot1ad, 4-untagged, 5-untaggedAndDot1q, 6-untaggedAndDot1ad, 7-priorityTagged, 8-defaultTagged)