Description | An entry for a single configuration parameter for a database.
Parameters with single values have a subindex value of one.
If the parameter is naturally considered to contain a
variable number of members of a class, e.g. members of the
DBA user group, or files which are part of the database, then
it must be presented as a set of rows. If, on the other
hand, the parameter represents a set of choices from a class,
e.g. the permissions on a file or the options chosen out of
the set of all options allowed, AND is guaranteed to always
fit in the 255 character length of a DisplayString, then it
may be presented as a comma separated list with a subindex
value of one. Zero may not be used as a subindex value.
If the database is not actively opened, then attempts
to access corresponding instances in this table may result in
either noSuchName (SNMPv1) or noSuchInstance (SNMPv2).
'Actively opened' means at least one of the
rdbmsRelState entries for this database in the rdbmsRelTable
is active(2). |